Tenacious is an acapella quartet that formed in 2015. They are comprised of two sisters- Chelsea and Shannon, and two friends-Tracy and Karen (who joined the group in 2023). Tenacious competes in the Sweet Adeline International contests and were thrilled to win their first regional contest in 2015. They have placed in the top five at International competition four times. After Karen joined their group in 2023, they sang together as a new foursome on stage for the first time in Louisville at International Contest and proudly achieved a fifth place finish.
The quartet members live in Ohio, spread apart from Dayton area to Cuyahoga Falls. They often converge in Ashland, home of Grandpa’s Cheesebarn, for rehearsals.
Chelsea Selvaggio, lead, is a music educator, crafter, proud mom of one human and two fur babies, and is incredibly creative when she can focus for more than two seconds. Shannon Lange, tenor, is a traveler, has many fur babies, is a principal at a school for students with special needs, and enjoys being bossy to her quartet mates. Tracy Marcarello, baritone, is the proud mom of 2, buys steel for a living, and is the quartet statistician and spreadsheet-maker. Karen Johns, bass, is a proud mom of 3, teaches English as a Second Language online, and can find just about anything you may or may not need on Amazon.
All four have a long history singing the barbershop style and have sung with many quartets and choruses through their journeys. Chelsea, Shannon, and Tracy currently sing with the 7th place International Chorus-Scioto Valley Chorus. Karen is a co-director of Region 4 Chorus- Gem City Chorus. Tenacious has a blast together and hopes to share some of their joy with you tonight! They can be reached at [email protected] or on Facebook.